A long-life dream

Enjoy Elba and The Tuscan Archipelago is carrying forward the experience of Enjoy Elba, including the other six pearls of the Tyrrhenian Sea: Capraia, Gorgona, Giglio, Giannutri, Montecristo and Pianosa. The magazine started as a dream, a desire to recount and reveal this unique, beautiful land where history, the landscape, the people, the products of the earth and of the sea are and always have been generous.
The Tuscan Islands are full of delights, from every point of view: we are happy to accompany you on this journey to discover ancient lands, through the tastes, the authenticity, the emotions, the uncontaminated environment, the biodiversity, the well-being, the artistic and cultural impressions.
Travel with us!

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The Magazine


We are the first magazine to focus on the Islands of the Tuscan Archipelago, the seven pearls, each one equally rich even if different, treasure chests of history, culture, landscapes and beauty, the crossroads of sea routes from ancient times, the meeting point for Mediterranean peoples.

There are several ways to travel with us. The paper form of the magazine can be requested from bookshops and newsagents or bought in online bookstores or on elbaspiagge.it. The cost is 5 Euros plus delivery charges in the case of having it sent.

ISBN: 978-88-946-156-1-6

To imagine your journey, you can browse through the online version where we have opened a new item dedicated to traditional recipes, “Fornelli e Fantasia”(Cooking and Fantasy). Find us also on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Enjoy yourselves!











Enjoy Elba & The Tuscan Archipelago 2023

Ours Partners

Media Partner


Founders and Editors

Roberto Marchetti

Roberto Marchetti


Everyone has a dream to fulfill, often closed away in a drawer or deliberately forgotten due to lack of time. Mine dates back to 1990 when, young and inexperienced, I believed that I could impose quality and excellence everywhere on the territory. Many years have passed, thousands of uncorked bottles, many errors and sins of presumption, but also many certainties and important experiences. The right time has come, the drawer of memories has reopened, the dream has taken shape and Enjoy Elba has been created.

Patrizia Lupi


Elban enough to recognize myself in the steep, rugged landscapes of the Island but Livornese enough and curious to discover different people and places, Islander enough to search everywhere for clear sea horizons, I wanted to give back what elsewhere had taught me, back to the Rock. Journalist and Communication and Marketing expert, business executive, on the Island, I found unexplored places coloured with wonder, tenacious, talented people, able to look beyond and to test themselves, memories confirmed by old photographs or legends, the history of my family that I recognize in the faces I meet. I live a good part of the year on Elba where I take part in the social and cultural life of the Island, sharing my love for this land of the sea and its neighbouring sisters, these treasures of beauty, with both Elbans and visitors.

Patrizia Lupi
Federico Massimo Ceschin

Federico Massimo Ceschin


I am an avid reader, a reflective thinker and an eternal traveller. As a consequence, a writer. A publisher for passion with the publishing house Mobility Books of the Simtur - an Association of professionals in sustainable tourism. I was born in Venice and am a public manager with over 25 years of experience in many regions of Italy and in Europe. I deal with the enhancement of cultural and environmental heritage, not only as essential factors of our national heritage but as strategic resources for ecological change and sustainable development. I defined this as "Beauty Economy" in 2015, receiving national and international awards and recognition. Places, people and cultural diversity fascinate me and I cannot stop writing about them. To narrate, but also to transfer skills and experiences to the Italians of today and of tomorrow.

Franco De Simone


Owner of “Infoelba”: the company, made up of experts in the IT and communication sector is able to provide a wide range of services, from the creation of dynamic, modern, multilingual web portals, to the development of apps for smartphones and tablets.

Franco De Simone
Paolo Calcara

©Alessandro Beneforti
Phoft Studio - www.benefortiphoto.net

Paolo Calcara


Born in Sicily in the mid-sixties and despite having had a camera as a present when I was 16, it has only really been a decade since I approached the magical world of photography. I attended various photographic courses, taking part in Workshops including one directed by the photographer Sara Munari. I have collaborated in the creation of collective and personal photographic exhibitions dealing with delicate social issues such as violence against women and the problem of cancer. From this passion of mine and following a photographic project of mine, the “Diversamente Sani” association was formed, which later became an ONLUS (non-profit organization) with which I constantly collaborate, making video and photographic projects. Photography requires technical know-how of the equipment, however, I do believe that there are not many who are able to tell and convey emotions through photographic language.

Alessandro Talini


The passion for words was born before the paths of life took me to other roads, always in contact with the world. Having grown up in the editorial staff of some maritime magazines, a professional field that I love and where I currently work, today I dedicate myself to journalism out of curiosity and the desire to always discover something new, to enrich my personal knowledge. Writing about Elba, where I spent my childhood, gives me back something of my roots and looking at the islands from the Livorno coast makes me feel at home: a small universe within reach.

Alessandro Talini
Patricia Finlayson

Pat Finlyson


A proud Scot, born in Edinburgh, married to an Italian, two fantastic children and have lived on this beautiful island of Elba for 45 years. I have spent many years teaching and examining students of English all over Tuscany. I have often been asked to translate articles and have enjoyed this challenge. My love for languages and love for this wonderful island have been brought together in this, my latest adventure. Enjoy Elba and the Tuscan Archipelago!

Andrea Amato


I have always lived on Elba, happy to have landed on this rock when only a few months old, learning to love its ever-changing landscapes, its nature full of surprises, scents that change with the seasons. Simply by searching for its most hidden corners, by sea and by land, I have learned to see it with new eyes, giving due importance to details, shades, the play of light, the movement of the wind on the waves or among the trees. The sea with its underwater life takes on a particular charm, like a world to be unveiled. From here it was a short step to photography. I discovered this art only a year ago and through images, I try to describe my emotions, to arouse them in the person viewing, because he too, like me, can learn to love these islands and to respect their beauty.

Andrea Amato
Federico Serradimigni

Federico Serradimigni


Roberto Signorini


My love for Elba, for sport and for photography are the driving force behind by desire to discover every corner of the Island as soon as I have some free time. For twenty years now, both on foot and by bike, I always have my camera just a click away. As a second level MTB instructor for the Italian Mountain Bike Association, my CAI card, I love walking and hiking, I organize events, excursions, outdoor activities all in the name of health and well-being, living the beauty of the landscapes that change colour according to the seasons. I collaborate with some magazines, sharing my shots and I love to create films and video documents that I publish on the main social networks to add value to this unique, fascinating land.

Roberto Signorini
Adriano Locci

Adriano Locci


Elbano nel sangue, bresciano solo di nascita, cresciuto nelle scuole e nei mari dell’Elba non ha mai interrotto il legame con il mare e con il meraviglioso mondo marino che esplora in ogni stagione, con e senza la sua Nikon 7200, osservandolo con innumerevoli ottiche, fotografando acqua e tratti di costa, visibili e invisibili, esplorando gli interni ricchi di fascino, immortalandone la bellezza nell’alternarsi delle stagioni. La fotografia, prima di essere una forma d’arte, è magia, un momento per sempre, un ricordo in eterno, un'emozione da comunicare agli altri, un messaggio lanciato nel web o fermato su una pagina da sfogliare, per suscitare meraviglia.

Giada Lottini


Giada Lottini
Pietro Pacciardi

Pietro Pacciardi



SIMTUR – Società Italiana professionisti della mobilità e del turismo sostenibile

SIMTUR è una realtà unica nel panorama nazionale, con una duplice natura:

  • è un’associazione di categoria professionale a carattere tecnico, scientifico e culturale che risponde alle “Disposizioni in materia di professioni non organizzate” ai sensi della Legge 14 gennaio 2013 n. 4 per essere inserita nell’elenco delle realtà abilitate a rilasciare attestati di qualità dei servizi presso il Ministero delle Imprese. L’associazione non persegue finalità di lucro e opera nell’interesse collettivo attraverso la rappresentanza unitaria, la formazione e la qualificazione dei servizi di professionisti della mobilità e del turismo sostenibile, anche al fine di tutelare i consumatori, garantendo la trasparenza dei propri associati.
  • è un’associazione di tutela ambientale, attiva nella ricerca scientifica e metodologica, in campagne educative e divulgative, progetti, programmi e azioni di definitiva affermazione della sostenibilità dello sviluppo e dell’economia circolare.


Visita il sito per saperne di più: www.simtur.it

Scarica la presentazione SIMTUR 2023 in PDF >

Enjoy Elba è stato inserito tra i progetti esemplari e le buone pratiche della rete nazionale rurability

Scopri la piattaforma nazionale delle migliori pratiche di sviluppo rurale e turismo sostenibile: www.rurability.it

Vigne di Pomonte

Collaborators and Photographers


Lorella Alderighi, Giovanna Amorosi, Elvira Arnaldi, Andrea Bartoli, Jacqueline Braschi, Rossana Bravo, Massimiliano Burelli, Maurizio Burlando, Riccardo Caldara, Marco Casale, Nina Catta, Maria Gisella Catuogno, Federico Massimo Ceschin, Aurora Ciardelli, Dianora Citi, Alvaro Claudi, Giulio Colombo, Giulia D’Angelo, Andrea Dini, Federica Ferrini, Silvestre Ferruzzi, Leonardo Forbicioni, Gian Mario Gentini, Giorgio Giusti, Edoardo Izzo, Silvia Lelli, Filippo Lenzerini, Ilaria Leonelli, Giada Lottini, Giacomo Luperini, Antonio Lupi, Giuliana Lupi, Patrizia Lupi, Antonello Marchese, Silvestro Mellini, Manrico Murzi, Pietro Pacciardi, Giorgio Paesani, Lucia Paoli, Patrizia Pellegrini, Nina Sardi, Marisa Sardi, Armando Schiaffino, Agostino Stefani, Stefano Taddia, Alessandro Talini, Maria Giovanna Testa, Giada Tofanari, Gianfranco Vanagolli, Vetrina Toscana, Viola Viteritti, Gaia Volpe.


ADSP Alto Tirreno, Andrea Amato, Daniele Anichini, Luca Bellosi, Elisa Boccia, Patrizia Bonelli, Valerio Buffa, Maurizio Burlando, Maria Giusi Canova, Flavio Capranica, Sergio Cattini, Manuela Cavallin, Aurora Ciardelli, Lorenzo Costagliola, Marco Conforti, Giuseppe D’Addino, Andrea Dini, Simone Fabi, Massimo Forti, Gian Mario Gentini, Donatello Guerra, Francesco Lascialfari, Andrea Lavaria, Valentina Locci, Rachele Lori, Giacomo Luperini, Patrizia Lupi, Antonello Marchese, Marevivo Elba, Francesco Marino, Marion_lip, Andrea Marongiu, Andrea Messana, Bernardo Miranda, Stefano Muti, Nena&Tomy Fotografi, Daniela Nizzoli, Open Air Museum Italo Bolano, Alessandro Rocca, Simona Sardi, Federico Serradimigni, Roberto Signorini, Andre Silingardi, Vetrina Toscana, Alessandro Talini, Gaetano Triscari, Tenuta delle Ripalte.

Cover photo: Paolo Calcara

Magazine photos: Francesco Lascialfari (Index – Culture – Hospitality – Food – Archipelago), Adriano Locci (Environment – Lifestyle).

Thanks to:

  • - Nina Gattoni and Velia Bellissimo with the DanzaMania MusicArTeatro school of Portoferraio for the cover photo;
  • - Leonello Balestrini and the Associazione Historiae di Portoferraio for the photos of the historical Napoleonic setting;
  • - The Associazione Ruva Leu – Leoni di Nemea for photos of historical Etruscan settings.


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